Public Presentations and Talks


In this lab we will now use Ansible from our Linux adsecvm to configure the Windows Systems.

We will configure two systems

  1. dc1 - this is the domain controller system
  2. client1 - this is the client system

Lab Requirements

We will use the adsecvm to remotely configure the domain controller as dc1 and Client system as client1. You will need the adsec vm downloaded from the link to configure the dc1 and client1.

Preparing the Domain Controller for Ansible

Please run the following PowerShell command to enable WinRM on the Domain Controller.
You will need Internet connectivity from the dc1 system to configure this. If you have followed the Lab0A you should have this configured. If you need help please reach out to

iwr -useb | iex 

Running Ansible from adsecvm to configure Domain Controller

Now we can use adsecvm to configure the domain controller. The username and password for the adsecvm is adsec:adsec

We have created a playbook called dc.yml to configure the domain controller. Please note: this will only work if the Windows 2019 system is configured with the right user account ie Administrator: Password@123.

Run the following commands to invoke the Virtualenv to run Ansible on the adsecvm.

cd /home/adsec/ansible
python3.10 -m venv ansible/venv 
source ansible/venv/bin/activate

enable virtualenv

No we can run the ansible playbook, we will run the dc.yml runbook.

ansible-playbook dc.yml

Run dc runbook

Once Ansible Runbook execution is completed, the Windows 2019 system will be renamed and configured as a domain controller.

Preparing the Client system for Ansible

We can run the following PowerShell command to enable WinRM on the Domain Controller.
You will need Internet connectivity from the client1 system to configure this.

iwr -useb | iex

We need RSAT and .net. Please run the following manually in PowerShell

Add-WindowsCapability -Name Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~ -Online
Start-BitsTransfer -Source ''  -Destination "$Env:Temp\Net4.8.exe"; & "$Env:Temp\Net4.8.exe"

No we can run the ansible playbook, we will run the client.yml runbook. From the python virtual environment run the client playbook as we did for domain controller.

cd /home/adsec/ansible
python3.10 -m venv ansible/venv 
source ansible/venv/bin/activate
ansible-playbook client.yml